Herbal medicine and supplements

nature in practice

Tonic, heat clearing and blood activating herbs all have active constituents – Polysaccharides, Steroidal compounds, Flavonoids and Alkaloids. The actions of Chinese medicinal herbs can help to increase fertility. Herbs have wide and varied effects on the body and can help to:

  • clean up infection
  • reduce inflammation
  • nourish blood, cells and mucus membranes
  • improve blood flow and move stagnation
  • balance homeostasis and hormones
  • improve sleep and memory
  • enhance the immune system
  • improve digestive function
  • calm and regulate the nervous system

Key micronutrients are important for DNA replication and sperm cell development. Here are some of the nutrients that support proper spermatogenesis – Coenzyme Q10, L Arginine, L Carnitine, Folic Acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Zinc.